Celebrity’s Favorite Chinese BBQ
With fans like Seth Rogan and David Chang – Hong Kong BBQ Master is probably the most famous Chinese BBQ joint in North America. The quality of the BBQ meats is certainly celebrity worthy – in particular, the honey glazed charsui is just about perfect. The meat glistens under a gently sweet crust, the pork beneath succulent and tender. Many customers will order half fat, half lean, extra roasted nbyt the real gourmets will ask for the prized ‘plum blossom head’ cut for perfect tenderness. The roast pork belly skin has beautiful crunch and the BBQ duck as perfect tenderness and savor. While eating hot fresh charsui from a take-out container in the underground parking lot has a certain urban charm, sitting down to a proper plate of gorgeous roasted meats over a bed of fresh rice may be one of the best low cost meals you can ever have. As a bonus to dining in, they supply you with little squeeze bottle BBQ braising liquid to douse your rice with – absolute heaven!
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