The article is also published extensively by the major China based media outlets such as, People’s Daily Online,, TanTao News Network and many more.  Chinese Restaurant Awards Association is excited to see Edgewater Casino Chinese Restaurant Awards received such wide attention in Mainland China.


Like all international cities, Canada’s
Vancouver is home to a full spectrum of global authentic cuisines.
Right now, at the center of attention are Chinese cuisines.

For the past six weeks, Vancouverites have been polling online for
their favorite Chinese restaurants. The results of the 2009 HSBC
Diners’ Choice came out Friday. Close to 10,000 voters have identified
which are the most popular Chinese restaurants in Vancouver.

Craig Stowe is the founder and director of the Edgewater Casino Chinese
Restaurant Awards, under which HSBC Diners’ Choice is an important
section. Having traveled the world extensively, Stowe realized that the
Chinese gourmet capital outside of China is no other place but
Vancouver, his home town.

In Stowe’s opinion, "Vancouver Chinese cuisine is only second to Shanghai and Hong Kong."

"In Vancouver, there is a redeemable high quality of Chinese food, and
everybody has multicultural friends," Stowe told Xinhua." Many years
ago, my Chinese friends used to laugh at me when I made dining
suggestions. They would say, no, no, there’s where only westerners go."

Soon after, Stowe accumulated rich knowledge about authentic
Chinese cuisines. "First of all I do not shy away from restaurants with
indistinguishable Chinese names," Stowe admitted. "And then Irealized
it takes an organization to elevate, recognize, and celebrate the good
Chinese food here."

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