Here it is … the list of all the award winning Chinese dishes for 2010 … also known as … the Best Chinese Dishes in Vancouver.

A few months ago, Suanne and I wanted to embark on trying every single dishes that won either a gold or silver in the 2010 Chinese Restaurant Award,
Critic’s Choice. That is a LOT of dishes. You see, the CRA has 25
categories in all and with two awards given for each category that makes
a total of 50 dishes.

Suanne and I thought we could cover it all. But on hindsight, it
would have taken one full year to just to try every dish once a week.
However, up to this point we only managed to taste 33 of the 50 dishes.
So below is the list of all the 50 dishes.

If you see a picture of the dishes, those are the ones we have tried. YOU CAN CLICK ON THE PICTURE AND IT WILL BRING YOU TO THE BLOG POST OF THAT DISH.

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