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By Mia Stainsby, Vancouver Sun

Mi­che­lin-pow­ered din­ner

On Janu­ary 29 and 30, the Shang­ri-La Ho­tel, in col­lab­or­a­tion with the 8th An­nual Chi­nese Restaurant Awards, hosts East Meets West, a din­ner with some culin­ary stars. Chefs Chris­tophe Moret of L’Abeille res­tau­rant and Sam­uel Lee Sum, of Shang Palace — both one-Mi­che­lin star res­tau­rants at Shang­ri-La Paris — team up with lo­cal chef Ken Na­ka­no of Market by Jean-Georges and pas­try chef Thom­as Haas. The eight-course din­ner is not cheap at $500 per per­son, but as Shang­ri-La Van­cou­ver’s dir­ec­tor of com­muni­ca­tions says: “It’s a once-in-a-life­time kind of din­ner. With the eight cours­es and wine pair­ings, people will be get­ting value.” For tick­ets, call 604-661-3350.